Relatives of the elderly are forgotten in the fog-day highway

newspaper Cangzhou Xinhua (correspondent Tian Min reporters on behalf of the Qing) as fog,Brian Gionta Jersey, an old lady off at a convenient time to be forgotten by their loved ones in the high-speed road. After Qing County,Patrick Kane Jersey, Hebei high-speed police battalion on duty more than 1 hour of searching, almost frozen old man was successfully rescued.

2 月 13 日 20 when 30 minutes, high-speed Qingxian Battalion reported to the police on duty: one old woman surnamed Shen Wuhu in Anhui Province to Beijing from the highway, while wiping the windows of the snow parking nephew cream off easy when the results did not wait for his nephew on the bus and left her on the train,Mike Knuble Jersey, until moving to the eloquence of Qingxian station found the old lady lose it.

Qingxian police battalion on duty immediately after receiving the alarm off,Antti Niemi Jersey, the fog was very,Guy Lafleur Jersey, very cold. Police on duty down the window,Chris Kunitz Jersey, while looking with bright flashlight,Alex Ovechkin Jersey, while 用高音喇叭 shouting,Alexander Semin Jersey, the police's hands and arms were frozen stiff. After 1-hour search, the police finally found a place 184 km Beijing-Shanghai missing woman. Police car parked in the shoulder immediately to the elderly about frozen mix into the police car.

Par steelersshop le mercredi 02 mars 2011


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